Extending the expiry date for applicants

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated

The steps below outline how you can view applicants who are due to expire, and extend their expiry date if the expiry date has passed.

  1. Click Home on the main homebar
  2. Within the Dashboard, you can view the number of applicants expiring in the next 7 days. Click Applicants expiring in next 7 days to expand the list
  3. Within the Action column, click View alongside a record to open it in full
  4. Click the Requirements tab
  5. Within Applicant Requirements, the date the profile expires will be displayed. To extend the expiry date, scroll down and click either Edit Residential Sales Requirements or Edit Residential Lettings Requirements
  6. Alongside Expiry Date, click the calendar to adjust the expiry date
  7. Click Save

The applicant will now be classed as a Searching Applicant.

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