Why are all references only showing for one office?

Alexi Glackin
Alexi Glackin
  • Updated

You may find that all references are only showing for one office and not all offices.

This is due to the use of the Rightmove Landlord and Tenant Service as when you have more than one office, you will only be able to see all references for all the offices under your Primary Office. This office is set by the Landlord and Tenant Service and cannot be more than one office.

For example, if you have Office 1, Office 2 and Office 3, you will be able to see the references for Office 1, 2 and 3 under Office 1 as this is your primary office. Under Office 2, you will only be able to see the references for Office 2. For Office 3, you will only be able to see references for Office 3.