Why is the inspection showing a different name to the negotiator on the property record?

Alexi Glackin
Alexi Glackin
  • Updated

Occasionally, you may notice that the Record Owner name is different to what's on the inspection. 

  1. Click Home on the main homebar
  2. On My Dashboard, scroll down to Property Management
  3. Click Inspections in the next 30 days

When looking at inspections from the Inspections in the next 30 days list, this will show the negotiators (Neg) initials which can be different from the negotiator who owns the property record. This is because the name that appears on the inspection will be the negotiator that was selected as the Record Owner at the time the inspection was booked.  

To change the Record Owner on the inspection:

  1. Click View. This takes you to the inspection record
  2. On the Summary tab, in the Inspection Details section, click Edit Details
  3. Select the new Record Owner from the dropdown menu
  4. Click Save