Why does the Dashboard show different offices?

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated

In Jupix, you may notice that your Dashboard shows different numbers to that of your colleagues. This is due to the fact the Dashboard is set on a per user basis, to the extent that you're able to just see items associated to yourself, the whole office you're assigned to, or the whole company.

Your Dashboard can be set in two places, via your Jupix user account, and your Dashboard settings.

  • Your Jupix user account
  1. On the Jupix Home screen, click Your Account (xxxx Account) at the top left of your screen


  2. In your Account Details section, the Default Search field has options for My Office Only and All Offices. This lets you choose if you would like your search within Jupix to just search the data assigned to your office (My Office Only), or, if you wish to see the data for the whole company (All Offices)
  3. If you make any changes, click Save
  • Your Dashboard
  1. To check which of your Dashboard options display, click the spanner icon alongside the Dashboard header


  2. You can now choose what items you would like to appear on the Dashboard. In the Show me section:
    1. Just my items - This shows only the items where you are the assigned person or record owner
    2. My office items - This displays all offices which are associated with the office you have set as your Primary Office (in your user account)
    3. All items - This allows you to see items for the entire company. You're also able to customise what options you see in the Dashboard section
  3. Click Save Settings
