How Do I Pass On Applicant Feedback ?

Margaret Lathwell
Margaret Lathwell
  • Updated


How Do I Pass Applicant Feedback from a Viewing onto the Vendor or Landlord?


Go to the Viewing option on the menu bar across the top of the screen and select the viewing record.

Once the Viewing has been Carried Out, and the applicant has been selected as Interested or Not Interested, a Notify Vendor Of Applicant Feedback or Notify Landlord Of Applicant Feedback button will appear.


From this page you have the option to Email Feedback to the Vender/Landlord by ticking the box.


If you have already been in contact with the Vendor/Landlord you can log their reaction. This will appear within the Notes section of the Viewing record.


If you have ticked to send an email the below will appear at the bottom of the page. Here you can amend the subject line and body of the email. The merge tag %applicantFeedback% is what is used to display the feedback without you needing to type it manually.

Clicking Preview Email will allow you to see what you will be sending.

Finally, click Save to send. This will be recorded within the Notes section of the Viewing record.
