The bank has charged me some fees even though they are not supposed to. How do I show this in Jupix?
Jupix will be out of balance temporarily as you cannot show a negative balance, but the best way of showing this is to create a Landlord record, this could be a generic record called Ledger Corrections, or it could be one just for Bank Charges.
On the landlord ledger and an Expense Payable to Supplier for the value of the charges – you will want to create a supplier for the bank ie Barclays or HSBC etc. This creates the negative ledger balance
You will then need to transfer the funds from your agency bank account to your client account to ‘top-up’ the client account. When these funds have been reconciled, you will be able to pay the supplier and reconcile the payment out to ensure Jupix is now at the correct reconciled balance again.