Add a Bank Account to an Office

Margaret Lathwell
Margaret Lathwell
  • Updated

Add a Bank Account to an Office

You may see an error in Jupix as follows: Error - please contact support quoting 'No bank account exists for officeID 1 in function getOfficeBankAccountID'

To resolve this you need to add a Bank Account to an office .

N.B. You may need to have both Bank Account Permissions -  View Bank Account Details /  Edit Contact Bank Accounts, to complete this process.

Go to the dashboard on the Homepage where details of the offices affected will show as “Unassigned”.

On the menu bar that appears across the top of the screen, click on the Payments option

Select “view agency bank accounts from the drop down menu


Against the relevant bank account, click on Edit.


You will now be able to assign the offices to the relevant bank account.