How Do I Transfer A Disputed Deposit to TDS or My Deposits?

Margaret Lathwell
Margaret Lathwell
  • Updated


How do I Transfer a disputed deposit to the  TDS or My Deposits?


If a tenancy has the deposit with the TDS or My Deposits, then the deposit might need to be transferred to the  TDS or My Deposits if a dispute arises.

You will first need to transfer the deposit from the deposit account, into the rent account. To do this, go to the deposit tab, then click more details and transfer deposit. 


Then click which account you would like to transfer the deposit too, it will default to your rent account if you only have one. Once done then click save.

You will then need to reconcile the amount out of the deposit account and into the rent account, you can tell if this has not been done as it will show as Deposit is mid-transfer


You will now need to create a supplier called TDS or My Deposits, to do this, go to Contacts, Add New Third Party Contact, and then fill in the details. You can add their bank details here by Clicking Add Bank Account. Once you have added the bank details, you will need to select the bank account to pay by adding contractor details via the Add Contractor Details.

Once the supplier has been created, on the tenant ledger you will need to add tenancy expense by clicking on Add Tenant Expense


When adding a tenant expense, fill out the details as, deposit to the TDS or My Deposits, then the amount, then select the TDS or My Deposits as the supplier.


Once this has been done, return to the summary of the tenancy and under special actions, you will need to click the return deposit button.


The you will see the invoice to the TDS or My Deposits that you have added will appear and take the money off of the deposit. If you click save, this will return the deposit and allocate the money against this invoice.


You will then need to go to pay suppliers, and then tick the box for the supplier call TDS or My Deposits and then save.


You will now need to go and pay the money to the TDS or My Deposits from your account outside of Jupix.