Reactivate an archived property

Alexi Glackin
Alexi Glackin
  • Updated

The steps below outline how to reactivate a property record that has been archived within Jupix. 

To reactivate an archived property, you'll first need to find the property:

  1. Click Property on the main homebar
  2. Click Advanced Search
  3. In the Property Address / Reference field, enter the property address
  4. In the Record Status dropdown menu, click Archived. Click Close
  5. Click Search
  6. Once you have found the relevant property, click View to view their record in full
  7. On the property record, click Activate Property
  8. Click Save

The property status shows as Active. If you want to remarket the property, click Show On Market.

Related articles: 

Archive a property

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Archiving an applicant

Unarchive an applicant

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