Transfer A Deposit Mid Tenancy

Margaret Lathwell
Margaret Lathwell
  • Updated

Transfer a Deposit mid Tenancy

Transferring Deposits from the Home Page. Go to the Accounts Dashboard and click on Transfer Deposits.

  • Choose which account the money is being transferred from
  • Choose where the money is being transferred to


  • Add a tick in the Move box for the deposits you are moving and Save.

Transferring the Deposit from the Tenancy Record:

Go to Tenancy Record>Deposit Tab

  • Click on More Details in the Deposits Held section
  • Click on Transfer Deposit link


  • Choose which account the money is being transferred from
  • Choose where the money is being transferred to
  • Tick the Move tick box for the deposits that you are moving and then Save.

N.B. A deposit cannot be transferred to the DPS directly from a Deposit Account. It first needs to be transferred to the Client Account. Then from here is can be transferred to the DPS.