Make A Payment To A Supplier

Margaret Lathwell
Margaret Lathwell
  • Updated

Make a Payment to a Supplier

If you have any payments due to a supplier you will see the on the home screen under the option pay suppliers as shown below.


Select Pay Suppliers and this will then take you to another page which will show if the payments are going to be paid by Cheque or by BACS. This will show how many payments are waiting to be paid by each type.

You will also have the option to choose the source Bank account, this will be if you have more than one account set up.

To make sure that the payment is to be made by BACS, the bank details would need to be added on the supplier’s record.


Select the option of how the payment is to be made and then select next, this will then take you to another page, where it will show you all payments to be made.

This will group by supplier so you can pay out for multiple jobs at the same time, if the supplier’s payment information has not been added. You will see a red link directing you to add missing Landlord details, click this and it will take you to the Edit BACS payment screen.


When you are happy to proceed with making the payment, tick the box to pay this and then save, this will then advise that this will send overnight by email. This will only be if the supplier has an email attached to their record; if the email option has not been selected then this will fall in to your print tray.
