How Do I Split The Rent Between Multiple Tenants?

Margaret Lathwell
Margaret Lathwell
  • Updated


How do I split the rent between multiple tenants?


In the case of multiple tenants it is possible to change rent break down between the tenants. To do this, you will have had to have added the tenants’ First account for a new tenancy, once you have saved the tenants first account, the next screen will allow you to add the rent breakdown. To do this then you will need to change the amount in the box next to the tenants.


To add or change a rent breakdown on an existing tenancy, go to the tenant ledger on the tenancy, and scroll down to the bottom and click ‘Edit Details’ on the rent schedule.


You will then be able to edit the details as above.


Once the rent has been split, the next rent that is demanded will then be split on the ledger. 
