How Do I Remove Match Features?

Margaret Lathwell
Margaret Lathwell
  • Updated


How do I remove Property Match Features within Jupix?


Go to the Admin menu and click on System Configuration. 


Please note you will need have the System Configuration permission to access this. To gain access, a Manager / Partner / Director needs to click Submit a request and use the contact form at the bottom of this article, to request this. 


In the next screen go to the Property section and click Edit in Property Feature Options.


In the Property Feature Options screen on the right-hand side you will see Edit and Delete in red. To remove a feature click Delete.


In the Delete Property Feature screen enter Your Deletion Code under Confirm Delete. The Properties Affected section will show how many properties the feature is set against and give you the option to Reassign To another feature. Applicants Affected will show you how many applicants are set to the feature for matching and give you the option to Reassign To another feature. Once everything have been set click Confirm Delete to remove the feature.
