Email New Instruction To A Board Contractor

Margaret Lathwell
Margaret Lathwell
  • Updated

Follow the steps below to provide the details to the board contractor of a new instruction, by email.

On the Property record, navigate to the Other tab.

Under the Board Status it will currently say Unknown, to edit the Board Status details, click View on the right; this will take you to a new screen.


On this screen you have the Board Details, you can click Edit Details, and here you would change the details of the Board Status and any additional Notes on the board.


You add the details of the contractor that you are going to use by clicking on Choose Board Contractor.

From the Contractor details click on the Contractor email address that it highlighted in blue.


This will open up your email client.  This email will be pre populated with the details you have assigned to the board, as outlined below.


Hard type in any further information you may wish to communicate to your board contractor, and then send.

Once this email has been sent from Jupix, the email will drop in to the Notes section of the Property so that you have a record of this email being sent.