Renewing a tenancy

  • Updated

The steps below outline how to renew a tenancy for a fixed term, or, as a periodic tenancy.

  1. Click the Residential Lettings department tab
  2. Click Tenancies on the main homebar
  3. Search for the relevant tenancy in the Find bar and click Go. Click View on the relevant record
    1. Alternatively, find and click the relevant tenancy from within the Last Viewed section
  4. On the tenant Summary tab, click Start Renewal Process
  5. The Renewal tab opens. Here you can record the Renewal Intentions and click Landlord Notification Sent and/or Tenant Notification Sent
  6. Once you receive their decision, click Landlord Decision Received and/or Tenant Decision Received, to record their intention


  7. Once the decisions have been entered into Jupix, you can then click Renewing or Not Renewing
    For more information on Finishing a tenancy, click here

In this instance, if you were to click Renewing, you'll be taken to the Renew Tenancy screen.

  1. Tick the Create Periodic Tenancy? box to create a periodic tenancy if the tenant is renewing as periodic
  2. If the tenant is renewing for a fixed term, add the Term and the new dates update accordingly
  3. In the Payment Details section, if the rent is increasing, add the new Rent Amount (£) and Rent Frequency
  4. In the Management Details section, confirm the Management Type, Management Fee and Management Fee Type and amend if required
  5. In the Property Inspections section, tick the Schedule Inspections Now? box and confirm the Inspection Frequency for the new fixed term
  6. In the Documents section, if the tenancy is for a fixed term, tick the Create Tenancy Pack box. This will offer an option to create a new tenancy agreement and standing order form, once the details are saved
    1. If the tenancy is periodic, untick the box  
  7. Click Save

When the current term is due to end (within the next 30 days) you'll receive notice via the Property Management section of My Dashboard, that the tenancy is due to be renewed.  This appears in Tenancies to be renewed in the next 30 days. 

To finalise the renewal, on the tenancy, click the Renewal tab and click Set To Renewed.


Renewing the tenancy when there is a rent increase or management fee change will automatically update the rent amount and management fee charged. Therefore, the tenancy should not be Set to Renewed until the last rent has been demanded on the previous term


The renewals communication can also be bulk actioned via the Property Management section of My Dashboard