Maintenance Job - Payment Source

Paul Hanlon
Paul Hanlon
  • Updated

Maintenance Job - Payment Source


The Payment of Maintenance job is directly affected by the payment source selected within the relevant page (Maintenance Job Details) in Jupix.

Go to Maintenance option from the menu across the top of the screen and select either search for the property record or select from the lists provided.  


Scroll down to view the full Maintenance Job Details section. The payment source is usually set when the maintenance job is first created but it can be subject to change.


There are three sources to choose from as below:

Rent – The job is being paid for by the landlord out of the rent received in Jupix.

Landlord Direct – The landlord is paying the contractor directly for the job, outside of Jupix.

Tenant – The job is being paid for by the tenant and will be reflected on their ledger in Jupix.

You can change the payment source up until when the invoice is received for payment.

Any change made after the invoice has been received will not reflect in Jupix.