The maintenance Drop down Menu allows you to manage your existing maintenance jobs. All new jobs should be entered via the Property Record> Property Management tab.
To find a Maintenance job that have been created in Jupix, you can type part of the property address name into the Find box and press enter
The next section called Backpack / Last viewed, this will allow you retrieve the last maintenance records you have viewed
The Lists section has four standard lists;
- Maintenance Jobs Not Acknowledged– Provides a list of maintenance jobs that have been submitted by tenants which the agents have not yet acknowledged.
- Maintenance Jobs Outstanding – Provides a list of outstanding jobs.
- Maintenance Jobs Awaiting Payment – Provides a list of maintenance jobs that can be paid. Jupix does not allow you to pay a contractor before an invoice has been posted.
- Maintenance Jobs Cancelled – Provides a list of jobs that have been cancelled. When a job gets cancelled you can enter the reasons why so that a history gets built up. You should not delete a maintenance job unless it was entered in error.
- Contractor Report – is a function that lets you look into the maintenance history of a contractor or a property. It will also generate a list of jobs by price or status.