Emailing a works order to a contractor

Alexi Glackin
Alexi Glackin
  • Updated

When a maintenance job is of the status Approved Maintenance Job you will have the option to Email Works Order.  

  1. Select Property from the main homebar
  2. Use the Find bar to locate the relevant property
  3. From the Property Summary select Property Management on the summary tabs
  4. Scroll down to the Maintenance section
  5. Click View on the relevant works order
  6. The Maintenance Job Summary will open
  7. Click on the Email Works Order button

By selecting Email Works Order it opens up a prepopulated email from your email

This email is prepopulated with the following information 

  • Preferred Start Date
  • Full Address
  • Contact for Access
  • Ref No
  • Description of works required

There is an automated link in the Bcc field which will make sure that the works order email can be viewed from the Notes section of the Maintenance Job record and the Property record.  

  1. Click Send

You will be able to preview the sent email in the Notes tab of the maintenance job and on the property record.