Process Rent Receipts

Margaret Lathwell
Margaret Lathwell
  • Updated

To update Jupix with monies you have received into your client bank account, we recommend that you print out your bank statement and always work from this to receipt rent payments into Jupix.

We would also recommend you work a day in arrears but you can work with today’s receipts if you prefer.

On the Menu bar across the top of your screen, click on Payments and select Receipt Rents from the drop down menu, or Receipt Rents from the Accounts Dashboard


he Rent Receipts screen shows all outstanding rent demands and rents that are expected in the next seven days
When receipting monies on this Receipt Rents page you will need to select the following:

Receipt Rent Into – Account you want the rent to be receipted against.
Receipt Type – Automated banking or Standing Order
Date Received   - The date monies were received into your bank account
Rent Due Date Range – Select All, Due or Overdue demands


You have the facility to filter each of the columns so you can quickly find rent due based on Rent Due Date , Tenant, Address, Payment Ref, Rent Amount or Outstanding.


The search / filter is indicated by the red arrows which show when the relevant column is selected.

Tick off each rent received on the statement against the rent due. You can tick on multiple rents to pay them at the same time.


Once you have finished click Save, these transactions will now appear on your Reconcile screen.