When you activate the Pro version of PropertyFile you will be able to offer your customer the ability to
Book Viewings and Book Valuations via your own website.
Manage viewings via their Buyers Area login
Book a Viewing.
Whether looking to buy or let, visitors to your website can now suggest convenient times to view a property which arrives as an email and as an enquiry in Jupix for you to progress.
Book a Valuation.
Sellers and Landlords can now book a valuation via your website. Using a simple form which captures the property details, suggested times and contact information, PropertyFile Plus delivers the request directly into your Jupix account along with and email to prompt you to check the system.
Buyers area.
With PropertyFile Plus you can offer your buyers the ability to log in manage their viewings 24/7.
Buyers can monitor Booked viewings, Viewings Awaiting Confirmation, Past Viewings, Revisit your website, Launch Google Maps and inform you of any cancellations.
Sales Progression.
Sales Progression through PropertyFile Plus allows sellers the ability to monitor a sale as it progresses so they are always kept informed.
The buyers progression tap replicates whats populated in the Sale Chain in Jupix.
A buyer can click More info to help educate themselves on what a “Local Search” is, for example
Receive instructions to market a property any time of day or night. At the click of a button your client can instruct you to market their property, saving them and you the need to arrange a convenient time to sign the paperwork.