See below for an overview of landlord statements
A single statement can display the transactions of multiple properties owned by a landlord.
Each statement is generated per landlord ledger. So if you have multiple landlord ledgers, a statement will be generated for each of them.
Income and expenditure are grouped separately on the statement
The agency invoice details are included on the statement
The breakdown of overseas tax charges are included on the statement
The Generate Landlord Statement screen can be searched, and sorted by landlord & property name
Sorting & filtering the Generate Landlord Statements screen
At the top of both the Landlord and Property columns is a search box. The list of available statements will be filtered by any text entered in either of these boxes, only matching statements will be displayed.
To clear the current filter, delete the text in the search box.
The order in which matching statements are displayed can be selected by clicking the column headings. The current order in which the screen is being sorted is denoted by a triangle next to the Property column heading.
In the below example, the green triangle is denoting that the statements are being sorted by the Property column, in ascending alphabetical order. Clicking again on the Property column heading will reverse the direction and show a red triangle to denote descending alphabetical order.
Previewing The Statement
To preview the contents of a statement, click the statement row.
Moving your mouse over the statement row will highlight that row in pink. Clicking the row will open a preview of the statement.
The statement preview will show you all items that will be on the final statement. For clarity it is broken down into sections:
Income breakdown
All income, relating to this landlord ledger will be displayed at the top. This is usually the rent received from the tenant.
The property that the rent relates to is shown, along with the specific rental period and the name of the tenant.
Expenditure breakdown
All expenditure, relating to this landlord ledger, will be displayed below the income. This will include any charges currently on the landlord ledger, such as supplier expenses and agency fees.
It will also include any management fees due to be calculated on the rent received above.
Payment amount
The income and expenditure is totalled to give the closing balance. Any overseas tax or money that is to be held back from the landlord payment (in lieu of upcoming expenses, for example) is then deducted to give the final payment amount.
Statement Remark
Any information in the statement remark box will be included on the final statement. A generic statement remark can be created from the Admin tab on the homebar, then Lettings Configuration then selecting Lettings Settings. An adhoc statement remark for a specific landlord can be added via the Payment details on the Landlord Ledger tab of the landlord record.
Overseas Tax Calculation
The breakdown of any Overseas Tax calculation will be shown here.
If any management fees are calculated on rent received, the details of the agency invoice will be shown at the bottom of the statement.
Finalising the statement
Once you have confirmed that the statement is correct, clicking the Confirm button will close the preview and mark the statement as confirmed. If it is not correct, or you don't want to generate the statement just yet, click Cancel to close the preview.
Any confirmed statements will be produced when Save is selected from the Generate Landlord Statement screen, as normal.