The portal setup process

Alexi Glackin
Alexi Glackin
  • Updated

When moving to Jupix, it's necessary that you contact each portal and confirm that Jupix is now your software provider.  

Please be aware, these companies will not take instruction from Jupix and only from you as their client.  

We advise that you continue to feed from your current software system for a few days following your data migration. This is in order for you to ensure that the data contained within your Jupix database is correct before any properties are fed to these portals.  

This article includes: 

Activation code/ branch ID

Once you have notified your portals, they will each provide our Support team with a feed activation code/branch ID via email.  

Once we have received these, we will contact you to ensure that you are in a position to activate your Jupix data feed and that you desire to do so.  

Batch activation

During our call for authorisation we will ask if you would like your properties to be batch activated. 

Batch activation will automatically tick all Available / On Market properties to be sent in the next feed to the discussed portal.  

Alternatively, you can manually feed each property by going to Website Marketing within the property record and ticking the box next to the portal you wish to send the property to.  

Please be aware that only properties with the following status' will be displayed on these portals: 


  • Instructed - On Market
  • For Sale and Instructed
  • On Market - Sold STC


  • Instructed - On Market
  • To Let, Instructed - On Market
  • References Pending
  • Instructed - On Market – Let Agreed


We can provide some portals and 3rd party website developers with an XML URL containing property data. This data is called by the portal once they receive the URL from us.   

We will still call you for authorisation before providing this to the portal.  

Please be aware your first XML URL will be free of charge. Any additional XML URLs will be charged at £15+VAT per link per month. 

The XML URL cannot be amended or customised.