Follow the steps below to return money on the tenant ledger to the tenant.
- Click the Residential Lettings department tab
- Click Tenancies on the main homebar
- Search for the relevant tenancy in the Find bar and click Go. Click View on the relevant record
- Alternatively, find and click the relevant tenancy from within the Last Viewed section
- Click on Special Actions on the Summary tab
- Click on Refund Tenant Cash.
N.B If you do not have Refund Tenant Cash it is because a payment can only be made to a tenant if there is a positive cash balance on the Tenant Ledger.
- Add the Reason For Payment and the Total Payment Amount due to the tenant
- Choose the Payment Method as Cheque (Default) or Automated Banking
- Click Save
Now go to Pay tenants on the Accounts section of the dashboard
- Click on the number next to Pay tenants
- Select the bank account you want to pay from the dropdown box then payment type
- Click Next
- Choose the Tenant you wish to pay and click Save
- You can now Print to .pdf, Export to .csv, or create BACS file for the Payment Instruction Summary