GDPR- frequently asked questions

Alexi Glackin
Alexi Glackin
  • Updated


The content of this article is not legal advice. Please see the ICO website for more guidance

We have given answers to common questions based on what the product will allow you to do. 

Please consult a legal advisor on your GDPR responsibilities.  

We have included links to government websites to assist you further.  

1. Question

  • “I don’t have a record of consent, can I still send property marketing to my existing clients?”
  • “I have clients registered who I did make aware what would happen to their data, but I don’t have a record of that, can I continue to contact them?”

As the Controller of the data Jupix will allow you to:

  • Exclude clients from communications until you have recorded their explicit consent
  • Continue to send communications

2. Question

  • “How can I find all my Clients for whom I have no consent, so I can send an email to them?”


  • Jupix will enable you to filter your Send Adhoc Mailouts lists of Applicants, Owners or Contacts by their consent status, by selecting the Unknown filter you will be able to email all those clients who have not yet given consent

3. Question

  • "What can I send out to Clients if they say they don’t want to be contacted about marketing? I want to tell them important information about my agency.”


  • You will be able to record their consent for Property Matching emails and for General Marketing
  • These consents will not affect any transaction correspondence such as Accounts statements that you must send or information you wish to send that is non-marketing (i.e. changes to office hours)

4. Question

  • “Is there a consent 'opt in' facility for tenants at the point of move in, as we will need to give out their details to contractors and pass details to landlords”


  • Consent for Property Matching emails and for General Marketing will have been recorded when the tenant was registered as an Applicant and will remain in place, but they will be registered with you for the purposes of renting a property that you let or manage.
  • Contractors and Landlords are third parties and are provided with information about tenants for contractual reasons

Refer to the ICO website for information about sharing data with third parties:

5. Question

  • "How can I record consent for individual marketing services?”


  • When recording consent on the contact record, a user can record consent gained or consent denied for each of the following marketing services:
    • Property Matching emails
    • General Marketing internally or externally
    • Home Moving Emails (via MoveIt)