Accounts practice - a guide on what to do

Alexi Glackin
Alexi Glackin
  • Updated

When you finally Go Live with Accounts, you'll want to get the best out of Jupix!  

We would like you to practice some account scenarios in Jupix to fully understand how the system works compared to previous systems you've used. This will allow you to familiarise yourself with the processes and ensure that you don't make any critical mistakes that could affect your landlords tax positions.  

Jupix doesn’t have a demo or training version so using the period prior to Go Live is invaluable, especially if you're running any specialist tenancy types such as student or commercial rents.  

Please carry out a couple of days banking, start and end some tenancies, and identify any areas where you may have a slightly different scenario or working practice that may be at odds with how Jupix runs.  

The grid below gives an overview of the topics to cover. 


Use the Related articles and Articles in this section, within Help Centre articles, to work through the accounts processes. 

A Ledger Reset will only be sanctioned once we're happy that you are at least familiar with how Jupix functions.  

Related articles: 

Initial Accounts training

A ledger reset