Process a credit

Margaret Lathwell
Margaret Lathwell
  • Updated

Within Jupix, you're able to credit Rent Demands, Charges payable to the Agency, and Expenses payable to Suppliers, Landlords and the Agency under the following circumstances:

  • Rent Demands - They can be credited off as long as the landlord statement hasn't been generated, or where part rent is outstanding. Be aware that you cannot credit a part rent, only the full outstanding balance
  • Agency Invoices - They can be credited in full if no monies have been allocated to them, or, partially credited if some monies have been allocated
  • Expenses payable to Landlord(s) – They can be credited off as long as the landlord statement hasn't been generated. Be aware that you cannot credit a part expense - If partial payment has been received, to credit off the remaining balance, you will need to click Submit a request and complete the contact form at the bottom of this article, to log a support ticket
  • Expenses payable to Supplier(s) - They can be credited off as long as the landlord statement has not been generated. Be aware that you cannot credit a part expense - If partial payment has been received, to credit off the remaining balance, you will need to click Submit a request and complete the contact form at the bottom of this article, to log a support ticket

To credit the Rent Demand, Agency charge or Supplier/Agency expense:

  1. Navigate to the relevant Ledger
  2. Find the entry you wish to credit. Once found, alongside it will be the option to Credit Charge
    1. If it isn't showing, consider the above circumstances
  3. Click Credit Charge
  4. Select the Amount you wish to credit
  5. Enter a Description of the credit
  6. Enter the authorisation code
  7. Click Save

This will show as a credited amount on the relevant ledger along with the description entered for the credit.