Add an Adhoc template - email

Neil Jowett
Neil Jowett
  • Updated

The steps below outline how to add to your list of pre-prepared email messages that you can select from, when sending bulk correspondence. (For example, if warning owners of vacant properties to be aware of frost precautions during the winter months)

Each template you create can be easily amended later should you need to correct/update it.


You'll need access to Admin, to edit the System Configuration page. Your appointed office Admin will have access to these permissions and they'll be able to create the required template or enable permission on your account, to enable you to create it

  1. Click Admin on the main homebar
  2. In the dropdown menu, click System Configuration
  3. Scroll down to the Adhoc Email/Post Templates section. Alongside Custom Email Templates, click Edit
  4. Click Add New
  5. Leave the Template Type as Adhoc
    (unless your message is to be used during rent arrears chasing, in which case use the dropdown to select the relevant person who's to receive the message; i.e. Rent Arrears (landlord) if the intended recipients of the message are landlords)
  6. Type an appropriate Template Name to help identify this template in future
  7. Type the Email Subject (this can include the property address tag: %rePropertyAddress%)
  8. Type the main bulk of the email in the Email Body (for merge codes, see the Note below)
  9. Select which Template Departments should use this template using the tick boxes
  10. Click Save

Your new template can now be used from either the Send Ad-hoc Mailout or Batch Action buttons.

We would always recommend sending yourself a test email first before emailing out to a large group.


If you want to add merge codes to the Email Body to collect additional information from a contact record, click here to view a list of merge codes.

Merge codes need to be typed onto the body of the email and NOT copied and pasted. You can also enter HTML formatting code in the Email Body. Common examples include:

  • To underline text, eg. YOUR TEXT, you would enter: <u>YOUR TEXT</u>
  • To make text bold, eg. YOUR TEXT, you would enter: <b>YOUR TEXT</b>
  • To add a blank line you would enter: <br>
  • To include a link to a web page, eg. Jupix, you would enter: <a href="">Jupix</a>

Related articles:

What are Adhoc mailouts?

How do I attach a .pdf to an Adhoc Mailout?

Add an Adhoc template - post