Making an offer

  • Updated

In Jupix, you're able to make an offer from the Property, Applicant and the Viewing. 

This article includes: 

Making an offer from the property

You can make an offer directly from the property record. 

  1. Click Property on the main homebar
  2. Search for the relevant property in the Find bar and click Go. Click View on the relevant record
    1. Alternatively, find and click the relevant property from within the Last Viewed section
  3. Click the Offers tab
  4. Click Make Offer
  5. Search for the applicant in the Applicant Name search field. A list of matching applicants appear. Click Select next to the correct applicant 
    1. Repeat the above step for all applicants for this offer
    2. If the applicant hasn't yet been added to the system, click Add New Detailed and complete all required information
    3. Untick Add Requirements Now 
    4. Click Save
  6. In the Offer Details section, confirm the Offer Date and Offer Time are correct
  7. Enter the Offer Amount
  8. Tick to confirm if the offer is Subject To any of the following:
    • Contract
    • Survey
    • Mortgage
    • Sale Of Own Property
    • Other
  9. Check the Record Owner (this will default to the user who is adding the offer)
  10. Add in any additional information such as:
    • Fixtures And Fittings
    • Special Terms
    • Internal Notes

In the Advanced Options section, you can tick Create Offer Pack. This allows you to generate offer letters from your document template set which will appear within the Notes section of the Offers record.
If you don't wish to create these documents, untick the box.
Click Save when complete. 

Making an offer from the applicant

You can make an offer directly from the applicant record. 

  1. Click Applicants on the main homebar
  2. Search for the relevant applicant in the Find bar and click Go. Click View on the relevant record
    1. Alternatively, find and click the relevant applicant from within the Last Viewed section
  3. Click the Offers tab
  4. Click Make Offer
  5. Search for the property in the Property Address search field. A list of matching properties appear. Click Select next to the correct property
  6. In the Offer Details section, confirm the Offer Date and Offer Time are correct
  7. Enter the Offer Amount
  8. Tick to confirm if the offer is Subject To any of the following:
    • Contract
    • Survey
    • Mortgage
    • Sale Of Own Property
    • Other
  9. Check the Record Owner (this will default to the user who is adding the offer)
  10. Add in any additional information such as:
    • Fixtures And Fittings
    • Special Terms
    • Internal Notes

In the Advanced Options section, you can tick Create Offer Pack. This allows you to generate offer letters from your document template set which will then appear within the Notes section of the Offers record.
If you don't wish to create these documents, untick the box.
Click Save when complete. 

Making an offer from the viewing

If an applicant has viewed a property and would like to make an offer, click Make Offer from the Viewings record.  The viewing can be found on the property record Viewings tab, on the applicants record Viewings tab, or alternatively, on My Dashboard as Viewings requiring follow up.

  1. Mark the viewing as Interested if it hasn't been already and add the Applicant Feedback
  2. Click Make Offer
  3. In the Offer Details section, confirm the Offer Date and Offer Time are correct
  4. Enter the Offer Amount
  5. Tick to confirm if the offer is Subject To any of the following:
    • Contract
    • Survey
    • Mortgage
    • Sale Of Own Property
    • Other
  6. Check the Record Owner (this will default to the user who is adding the offer)
  7. Add in any additional information such as:
    • Fixtures And Fittings
    • Special Terms
    • Internal Notes

In the Advanced Options section, you can tick Create Offer Pack. This allows you to generate offer letters from your document template set which will then appear within the Notes section of the Offers record.
If you don't wish to create these documents, untick the box.
Click Save when complete.