Deposit not showing when clicking on transfer deposits

  • Updated

In Accounts on My Dashboard, if it's showing a number of deposits to transfer and yet when you click on Transfer deposits, the number differs, one way to resolve this is to check where you are transferring the deposit to.

  1. Click the Residential Lettings department tab
  2. On My Dashboard, scroll down to Accounts. Click Transfer deposits
  3. Check Which bank account are you transferring deposits from? and ensure the correct account is selected in the dropdown menu
  4. Check Where are you transferring the deposits to? and ensure you click Deposit Account in the dropdown menu, if it isn't already

If you still can't see the deposit you wish to transfer:

  1. Click Tenancies on the main homebar
  2. Search for the relevant property or tenant name in the Find bar and click Go. Click View on the relevant record
    1. Alternatively, find and click the relevant property or tenant name from within the Last Viewed section
  3. Click the Deposit tab
  4. In the Deposit Scheme section, check the Deposit To Be Held By. This should be Our Agency
    1. If it shows TDS (Insured), click Edit Details
    2. In the Deposit To Be Held By dropdown menu, click Our Agency
    3. Click Save

Once the changes have been made, the deposit will be available to transfer to the Deposit Account.