The steps below outline how to add to your list of pre-prepared postal messages that you can select from, when sending bulk correspondence. (For example, if warning owners of vacant properties to be aware of frost precautions during the winter months)
Each template you create can be easily amended later should you need to correct/update it.
- In order to be able to create a new Adhoc Post Template, you will need to have already created your required letter in advance using Microsoft Word and Save as type: Word 2003 XML Document (*.xml)
- You'll need access to Admin, to edit the System Configuration page. Your appointed office Admin will have access to these permissions and they'll be able to create the required template or enable permission on your account, to enable you to create it
- Click Admin on the main homebar
- In the dropdown menu, click System Configuration
- Scroll down to the Adhoc Email/Post Templates section. Alongside Adhoc Post Templates, click Edit
- Click Upload New
- Click Choose file to select your Template File. Navigate to where you have stored your .xml file on your computer and click to highlight it. Click Open
- Type an appropriate Template Name to help identify this template in future
- Tick the box if you wish your letter to be Printed On Headed Paper
- Select which Template Departments should use this template using the tick boxes
- Click Save
Your new template can now be used from either the Send Ad-hoc Mailout or Batch Action buttons.
We would always recommend creating a test letter first before sending out to a large group.
Only basic tags are available for Adhoc templates, for example:
Dear %contact_dear%,
Your Content
For a full list of merge codes, click here
Merge codes need to be typed into the template and NOT copied and pasted