In Jupix, you're able to set up and use merge tags within document and brochure templates.
Merge tags are used to pull specific information from a record within Jupix. For example: %price% will populate the price of a property, from the property record the document is created against.
This article includes:
How can merge tags be added to a template?
Merge tags can be selected when editing a template from The Document Editor.
For more information on The Document Editor, click here
Once the template has been opened to edit, the merge tags appear at the top of the screen. The left box contains all of the merge tag categories and the right box contains the merge tags to insert onto the template.
You don't need to insert merge tags from the top of the screen, they can also be free typed. However, never copy and paste merge tags as this will break them
For a complete list of merge tags that are available to be used, please see the attachment at the bottom of this article.
What would cause a merge tag to stop working?
A merge tag will not work if it's copied and pasted into a template.
Merge tags can also break if they're identified as a spelling error. If a merge tag is underlined in red, right click on it and click Add to dictionary.
When a template is created in a record, the merge tags will only populate the information from within that record. For example, %eventStartDate_dmY% will only work if the template is created in an event record such as a Viewing or Market Appraisal. This is because these records contain an event date and time field.
If a merge tag is free typed, typed incorrectly but not deleted completely before being re-typed, this may break it. Make sure the tag is deleted completely and then type it again.
How do you add the 2nd Vendor or Landlord to a template?
In order to pull a 2nd Vendor or 2nd Landlords details, you'll need to use the owner2 merge tags. These merge tags will appear as below:
%owner_addressee% → %owner2_addressee%
%owner_fullAddress% → %owner2_fullAddress%
%owner_dear% → %owner2_dear%
How to manage multiple tenants details in templates
Using the %tenancy_repeatBlockStart% and %tenancy_repeatBlockEnd% merge tags:
Some tenancies may contain multiple tenant records and a template may need to include every tenants details. This is when these merge tags should be used.
These merge tags repeat the information typed in between them, pulling through each tenants details. The information will repeat to match the number of tenants in the tenancy and each tenant will appear in the order they were added to the tenancy.
For example, if the following tags are used in the document template;
Tenant Name: %tenant_addressee%
Tenant Contact Number: %tenant_contact_number_1%
Tenant Email Address: %tenant_email_address%
When creating the document from a tenancy with 3 tenants, the merge tags will pull through the information as below:
Using full description extensible tags
%full_description% - This merge tag pulls the full description from within a property record. It can be extended to change how the full description will appear on a document.
%full_description_title[u,i]% - This will make the room title underlined and italic.
%full_description_title[u,i,br]% - This will make the room title underlined and italic. This will also put the description of the room onto a new line, underneath the room title.
%full_description_title[u,i,br,#FF00FF]% - This will make the room title underlined, italic and appear in a different colour. This will also put the description of the room onto a new line, underneath the room title.
Why are the merge tags showing when I view an Adhoc Mailout?
If an email has a Status of Pending, the merge tags will still show as %contact_dear%, %office_fullAddressBR% etc.
After there is confirmation that the email has sent successfully (at which point the email Status will update to show Sent, the Adhoc Mailout merge tags will populate.
If you then click View to view the email in full, the details will have merged as expected.
eSignature merge tags
When creating your PropertyFile Online Instruction Letter, you'll need to use the following merge tags to ensure your customers details are correctly populated.
These specific merge tags should only be used for the PropertyFile Online Instruction Letter template
For all eSign documents, the below merge tag should be inserted in all eSign documents where the relevant contacts signature should appear. The contact signature merge tag is only designed to pull through once therefore should not be added multiple times.
All other information such as the related property, date and signature block, can be populated by using our standard merge tags which can be found within the attachment below.
Document merge tags
For a complete list of merge tags that are available to be used, please see the attachment below.