Add a property without an appraisal

Alexi Glackin
Alexi Glackin
  • Updated

Follow the steps set out in the guide below to add a new property record without an appraisal.  

This process is the same for all departments.  

  1. Select Property from the main homebar
  2. Click the blue Add New Property under the Find bar in the dropdown
  3. The New Property window will now open
  4. Select Direct Instruction

Choose owner section

Owner with an existing record in Jupix

  1. If the owner has an existing record in Jupix enter the name into the Owner Name box, a list of possible matches will appear. If no list appears then check by using the Search button
  2. Select the relevant owner record

Add a new owner record

  1.  If the owner does not have an existing record click Add New Owner
  2. Enter the relevant owner contact details 
  3. Click Save

Property details section

  1. Scroll down to Property Details
  2. If you click the underlined User Owner Correspondence Address this will populate the address from the owner’s record
  3. If the property has a different address from the owner's enter the relevant property details
    click here for more information on portal realtime feed requirements
  4. Click the underlined Set Display Address and select the display address that will feed through to portals and on email alerts
  5. Use the Allocated Office dropdown to select the correct office 
  6. Select the Match Area
    click here System administration for more information on setting up match areas
  7. Scroll down and add relevant Directions 
  8. Then fill out the relative property Composition the Composition will determine which applicants on Jupix will match this property, add as much detail as you possibly can into this section for effective applicant matching
  9. Once you have completed this information scroll down to the Marketing section that allows you to add the following summaries
  • Website And Portal Summary feeds to portals and websites and appears within the property listings next to the main property photo and can be set up to be pulled through to the property brochures
  • Text Message Summary appears in relevant marketing text messages sent out
  • Newspaper Advert Summary feeds to the newspaper adverts sent through Jupix
  1. Scroll down to down to Features
  2. The Feature boxes will feed to the portals and websites and can be set up to be pulled through to the property brochures
  3. Scroll down to Sale Details here you can 
  • Select the Availability from the dropdown
  • Select the Price Qualifier from the dropdown
  • Enter the Price of the property
  • You can also use the dropdowns to select the Contract Type, Sale By and Property Tenure
  • Enter any relevant Contract Notes
  1. Scroll down to the Website Marketing section
  2. Here you can use the tickbox(es) to select which portals and websites you want the property to feed to
  3. Scroll down to Viewing Arrangements
  4. You can select if the agency, vendor or tenant is usually going to carry out the viewing
  5. You can select the details of the Occupation from the dropdown
  6. Select from the dropdown if Owner Confirmation is required when booking a viewing for this property
  7. Enter any relevant Viewing Notes these will feed through to the diary appointment
  8. Scroll down to Import Full Description and enter the main description for the property
  9. Click save

The property record will now be created.

Click here to watch Add property room descriptions video

Click here to watch Add property media video

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