Consolidating landlord records

Alexi Glackin
Alexi Glackin
  • Updated

If you want or need to consolidate multiple landlord records of the same landlord into one landlord record, you can do so.

  1. Click the Residential Lettings department tab
  2. Click Landlords on the main homebar
  3. Search for the relevant landlord in the Find bar and click Go. Click View on the relevant record
    1. Alternatively, find and click the relevant landlord from within the Last Viewed section
  4. On the Landlord Summary, in the Contact Details section, click Edit Contact Details
  5. In the Surname field, add 3 asterisk (***) to mark the main landlord record you are using (for example, Mr John Smith ***). This will make this record easy to identify and find later in the process
  6. Click Save

We now need to go to the Property record that you are wanting to add to the main landlord record.


You'll need to ensure that the Landlord Ledger for this Property record is at £0.00 to be able to change the ownership on the property

Any cash balances can be transferred to the main landlord record

Any historic transactions will remain on the old landlord record. You can't move these historic transactions to the main landlord record

Once you have changed the ownership, future transactions will be recorded against the main landlord record

  1. Click Property on the main homebar
  2. Search for the relevant property in the Find bar and click Go. Click View on the relevant record
    1. Alternatively, find and click the relevant property from within the Last Viewed section
  3. Click the Landlord tab
  4. The Landlord Summary section appears. Click Add New Landlord
  5. The New Owner screen opens. Type *** in the Owner Name field
  6. A list of matching owners appears below. Click Select next to the relevant owner to add the main owner record
  7. Click Save
  8. You'll be back on the property Summary. Click the Landlord tab
  9. The Landlord Summary section appears. Scroll down to the Ownership Summary section and click Edit Ownership Details
  10. Using the Primary Contact dropdown menu, click the main landlords name
  11. In the Ownership % boxes, set the main landlord to 100% and the original landlord to 0%
  12. Click Save

The process is now complete for this property.

Repeat the above process on any other property records as required, until you have all the relevant properties allocated to the main landlord record.