How do I email documents from Jupix

Alexi Glackin
Alexi Glackin
  • Updated

In Jupix, you can email documents that you've created as a .pdf attachment to your contacts, as well as add additional recipients and attachments to the email. 

  1. Search for and select the relevant record in Jupix, i.e. the property, sale, tenancy etc
  2. Click the Notes tab
  3. Locate the relevant document that you have created and click the brown envelope symbol (Email Document)
  4. The Email Document window opens and contains a list of relevant people who you can send the email to. Click on the underlined persons name for whom you want to send the document to
  5. The Email Document screen opens. Here, you can Preview the .pdf document that will be attached to the e-mail
  6. Scroll down to the Sending Options section and edit the Email Subject as required
  7. CC allows you to add any additional recipients
  8. BCC allows you to add any additional recipients to be blind copied into this email
  9. Edit the Email Body as required
  10. Click Preview Email to see the email the recipient(s) will receive
  11. Scroll down to the Additional Attachments section. Additional attachments are restricted to a size of 2mb. Click Choose File 
  12. Locate the relevant attachment on your computer or network and click Open to attach the document to this email
  13. Click Send Email

The email will be sent to the relevant recipient(s) and a record of this email can be found in the Notes section with the option to click View Email.

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The Notes section