Tenancy record

  • Updated

This user guide gives you an overview of the tenancy record and its features.

To find the tenancy:

  1. Click the Residential Lettings department tab
  2. Click Tenancies on the main homebar
  3. Search for the relevant tenancy in the Find bar and click Go. Click View on the relevant record
    1. Alternatively, find and click the relevant tenancy from within the Last Viewed section

The Summary page shows you all the details of the tenancy on one page, however, each section can be accessed from the tabs that run across the top of the record. 

The Summary page is broken down into the below sections.

This article includes: 

Tenancy Details

The Tenancy Details section shows the tenancy Term and the Rent Amount and Deposit Amount. If PropertyFile is activated on your system, you're able to invite the tenancy from here. Click Edit Details and then tick the boxes next to the tenants’ names in the PropertyFile section. 

You're able to Start Renewal Process, and view Special Actions. Under Special Actions, you can Add a Deposit demand, Refund Tenant Fees and you can Allocate Money where possible. The Undo Status Change option might be available and this allows you to change the status of the record back to the previous status, so it can take the tenancy back to preparing if it has been started. If the tenancy has money on the ledger, then the option to Refund Tenant Cash also appears here.

If the tenancy dates need to be changed, they can be edited from here using the Edit Details option. You can add Permitted Occupiers here as well.


You can navigate quickly through to the applicants contact card by going to the Tenants section. Click View next to the tenant you wish to view.

Tenant Ledger

The Tenant Ledger is where you'll find all of the financial transactions that are logged on the tenancy. This includes any invoices, rent demands or receipts for the tenant.

Money from the tenants can be receipted from here if you click Receipt Tenants Money. Expenses and Charges can also be added from this section.

Rent Schedule

The Rent Schedule is only available on fully managed and rent collect properties. Here you can Demand Next Rent manually and click Edit Details to change the rent amount/rent due date.

Property Ledger

The Property Ledger details all of the expenses and the details of the landlord. The Property Ledger is similar to the Landlord Ledger, but only shows items that are linked to the property. You can Add Property Charges, Add Property Expenses and Receipt Money onto the Property Ledger. The Landlord Ledger can be accessed from the Landlord Ledger Details section, if you click View Landlord Ledger.

In the Landlord Details section of the Property Ledger, it allows you to select if the landlord is overseas or not. This can be edited if you click Edit Landlord Details

Management Details

The Management Details section determines if the tenancy requires a rent schedule or not by selecting the Management Type, and you can also record the Management Fee to be charged on the rent, by percentage or fixed amounts.

Sometimes, the fee amount will have been input incorrectly. You can change this if you click Edit Details, change the Management Fee and tick Apply New Fee to existing rents which may have been raised on the system. 


This section details the Deposit for the tenancy, how much the deposit is, and allows you to transfer the deposit if it hasn't been transferred yet. 

Safety Certificates  

This shows the details of any certificates that have been added onto the tenancy. It is possible to add a New Safety Certificate, select Safety Certificate Not Required or Safety Certificate is Landlord’s Responsibility, which will stop the certificate showing on the dashboard when it's due for renewal. 

Move In Details

Move in Details shows the meter readings for the start of the tenancy. These details can be edited if you click Edit Details.


The Inspections section details the inspections that have previously been carried out and the future scheduled or booked inspections. Click Schedule New Inspection to put a future date for the inspection to be booked. This then appears in Inspections to Book in the next 30 Days in the Property Management section of My Dashboard.

If an inspection needs to be booked, click Book on the scheduled inspections or you can click Book New Inspection.

You will then need to select a time and date from the diary or manually enter them and then click Save

Term history

Once a tenancy is set to renewed or set to periodic, the Term History tab will show. This will detail the previous tenancy start date, end date and duration along with the previous rent amount, management fee and tenancy type, i.e. fixed term or periodic.


If PropertyFile is activated, the PropertyFile section is where any previously generated eSign documents can be managed. New eSign documents can also be created here.
For more information on Activating eSigning for PropertyFile Plus, click here


The Notes section can be used to detail points about the tenancy. Documents can be created and accessed here.

If a note is required to remain at the top, it's possible to add a Sticky Note. To do this, click Add Note, then tick the box Keep this note at the top.