Change the vendor of a sales property

  • Updated

You can change the vendor on a sales property if the property ownership has been set incorrectly. 

  1. Click Property on the main homebar
  2. Search for the relevant property in the Find bar and click Go. Click View on the relevant record
    1. Alternatively, find and click the relevant property from within the Last Viewed section
  3. Click the Vendor tab
  4. Click Add Additional Vendor
  5. In the Owner Name field, enter the new owners name and click Search
    1. Alternatively, if the new owners details aren't already entered onto Jupix, click Add New Owner
    2. Enter the relevant landlord contact details in the Contact Details, People, Communication Preferences, Marketing Consents and Additional Contact Information sections
    3. Click Save
  6. A list of matching records appear. If they already have a record in Jupix, click Select 
  7. Click Save
  8. Click Save again to save the property record with an additional vendor

On the Vendor tab, you'll now see both vendors - the correct vendor will appear below the incorrect vendor.

  1. Click Remove Additional Vendor alongside the incorrect record
  2. Enter the Deletion Code to confirm the action
  3. Click Confirm Delete

The property will now show with the correct vendor.