Partially refund a deposit held by the agency (insured scheme)

Alexi Glackin
Alexi Glackin
  • Updated

The steps below outline how to partially refund a deposit held by the agency and one that is registered with an insured deposit scheme.  

  1. Click the Residential Lettings department tab
  2. Click Tenancies on the main homebar
  3. Search for the tenancy in the Find bar and click Go. Click View on the relevant tenancy
    1. Alternatively, find and click the tenancy from within the Last Viewed section
  4. On the tenancy Summary tab, click Special Actions 
  5. Click Transfer Deposit 
  6. Scroll down to the Deposit Account section. In the Transfer Amount (£) field, enter the amount you wish to return
  7. In the Transfer To dropdown menu, click the relevant client account to transfer the deposit to
  8. Click Save
  9. Click Home on the main homebar
  10. On My Dashboard, scroll down to Accounts. Alongside Deposit Account, click Reconcile 
  11. Tick Reconcile? against the relevant item to reconcile the part deposit payment out of the deposit account
  12. Click Save
  13. Click Home on the main homebar
  14. On My Dashboard, scroll down to Accounts. Alongside Rent Account, click Reconcile 
  15. Tick Reconcile? against the relevant item to reconcile the part deposit payment into the client account
  16. Click Save

Return to the relevant tenancy Summary tab

  1. Click Special Actions 
  2. Click Return Deposit

The Return Deposit screen allows you to:

  • Withhold the part deposit payment by adding a reason to the Withheld Cash field and entering the deposit amount to be withheld in Amount (£)
  • Return the partial amount to the tenant as long as there is no outstanding amount due on the ledger

If you're returning the part deposit payment to the tenant:

  1. In the Return Deposit To dropdown menu, click the relevant person to who you are making the payment to
  2. Enter the Deposit Return Amount (£)
  3. In the Deposit Return Method dropdown menu, click the relevant return method. This defaults to Cheque
  4. If you're returning by Automated Banking, select the tenants Bank Account the payment is going to
    For more information on Editing landlord and tenant bank account details, click here
  5. Click Save

Any amount returned to the tenant shows on Accounts on My Dashboard, under Pay Tenants. This payment can now be processed as normal.

Any amount withheld will sit on the Tenant Ledger as Cash Withheld until it is released.  

On the tenancy Summary tab, in the Tenancy Details section, the Deposit Amount doesn't update automatically. To update the deposit amount:

  1. Click Edit Details
  2. In the Payment Details section, change the Deposit Amount (£) to the newly held deposit balance
  3. Click Save

A record of the original deposit amount, the deposit still held in the deposit account, and deposit monies paid from the rent account, can be found by:

  1. Navigating to the relevant tenancy
  2. Click the Deposit tab
  3. Scroll down to the Deposits Held section and click More Details

Related articles: 

Partially refund a deposit held by a custodial scheme