Manage property inspections

Alexi Glackin
Alexi Glackin
  • Updated

This guide will take you through how you can use Jupix to help effectively manage your property inspections. How to schedule inspections and how to change the inspection frequency on a tenancy or stop inspections being automatically scheduled for you on a tenancy.  

How to use the property management dashboard to managing your property visits. How to book an inspection and record the property visit outcome.  

This article includes: 

Tenancy inspections

  1. Select Tenancies from the main homebar
  2. Use the Find bar in the tenancies dropdown to find the relative tenancy
  3. Go to the relevant tenancy summary
  4. Select Inspections from the top tabs
  5. The Inspections screen will open
  6. You will see a list of all the tenancy inspections that you have carried out and those that are scheduled for the future
  7. From here you can Schedule New Inspection, Book New Inspection and Edit Inspection Preferences

Inspection preferences

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the Inspections screen to Inspection Preferences
  2. You will find the frequency of the inspections set for the tenancy
  3. To amend the frequency or to stop the automatic scheduling of inspections
  4. Click Edit Inspection Preferences
  5. After changing the frequency of the inspections
  6. Click Save and if required a new inspection will automatically be scheduled 


If disabling the automatic scheduling of inspections by unticking the 'Schedule Inspections Automatically' tickbox you will have to manually schedule any inspections for this tenancy going forward

Schedule inspections

When enabling the automatic schedule facility a new inspection date will be scheduled when a previous inspection is completed.  

You can also manually schedule and inspection by

  1. Click the Schedule New Inspection button at the top of the Inspections screen
  2. Select Proposed Inspection Date to schedule the inspection due date 
  3. Select the Inspection Type on the dropdown
  4. Click Save

30 days prior to the scheduled inspection due date a reminder to book this appointment will be on your Property Management Dashboard Inspections to book in the next 30 day

Book A New Inspection

To manually book an inspection into the diary from the tenancy

  1. Click the Book New Inspection button at the top of the Inspections screen
  2. Select who is carrying out the inspection using the Inspector dropdown
  3. Select the Inspection Type from the dropdown
  4. Click Select date and time from the diary button
  5. Click on the required date on the Calander
  6. Once on the correct date in the diary, select which User is going to the property or use the Office column if the inspection is going to be carried out the landlord or a third party
  7. Click on the required time in the relative diary column
  8. This will open the Book Inspection Screen
  9. Scroll down the page checking all the information is correct and amending information where required
  10. Add booking Notes as required
  11. When you are happy all the information is correct click Save

 The inspection will now be recorded in the Jupix diary

Manage inspections from the property management dashboard

The initial inspection would have been scheduled when you created the tenancy, but you will still need to book the Initial Inventory inspection, to do this

  1. Go to the lettings Home screen
  2. Property Management dashboard
  3. Inspections to book in the next 30 days clicking on the number will open an inspections list that shows all proposed inspections due within the next 30 days and all inspections that are overdue
  4. The list can be filtered by clicking the dark grey Refine Search button in the top right of the screen
  5. The Search Tenancies screen will open where you can filter by
    1. Property address
    2. Management Type
    3. Tenancy Status
    4. Office
    5. Record Owner
    6. Record Status
    7. Inspection Date From
    8. Inspection Date To
  6. Once you have entered your required filters click Search button
  7. You will now have a list of inspection records matching your criteria
  8. You have the option to Print List however the list in Jupix is interactive and from here you can
    1. Click red Book under Action to book an inspection in the Jupix diary 
    2. Click red Delete under Action - this will remove the proposed inspection from all reminder lists and from the tenancy record and no further inspections will be automatically scheduled on the tenancy

Managing inspections once booked into the diary

All inspections that have been booked using the process above and are due to be carried out in the next month, will appear on your Property Management dashboard as a number next to Inspections in the next 30 days 

Notifying tenants about the inspection appointment

  1. Go to Inspections in the next 30 days 
  2. Use the Refine Search to filter the list required
  3. Click Batch Action 
  4. Select Send Email and
  5. Select To All Tenants from the pop out menu

All of the tenants will fall into the Email column, provided they have a valid email address and are happy to be contacted by email.

  1. Click Next
  2. Select your email template from the dropdown or alternatively, type your email into the email body
  3. Click Preview to check content prior to sending
  4. Click Finish to send the email

A record of this email notification can be found in your tenancy Notes section.
For more information on Sending an email to all tenants in the same tenancy, click here

Updating an inspection

Once the inspection has been carried out you will need to update Jupix, to do this:

  1. Go to the lettings Home screen
  2. Property Management dashboard
  3. Inspections in the next 30 days
  4. Click red View to open the relevant inspection

Recording the inspection outcome

  1.  To record the outcome click the Passed or Failed button at the top of the inspection record
  2. In both cases, you have the option to enter relevant notes in the Inspection Report field to detail the outcome of the inspection
  3. Scroll down to Schedule the next inspection
  4. When scheduling the next inspection Jupix will default to the frequency as set in inspection preferences, if you choose a different frequency you will be presented with an option to update the default tenancy inspection frequency for all inspections going forward
  5. Click Save and the next inspection appointment will automatically be rescheduled for you

You can then click here for more information on Uploading your completed Inspection/Inventory Report as a .pdf.

Related Guides

Identifying Tenancies with missing Inspections

Why Are Inspections Showing to be Booked for Tenancies that have Ended?

Changing the Record Owner name on the Inspection

The Notes Section