Electronic document signing for tenancy agreements

Alexi Glackin
Alexi Glackin
  • Updated

This guide will take you through an overview of the process of adding your master eSign tenancy agreement to Jupix, then onto how to create, send and manage your eSign tenancy agreements.

This article includes: 

Uploading your document template

Make sure your tenancy agreement document is saved locally as a Word 2003 XML Document (*.xml)

  1. Select Admin on the main homebar
  2. Click Edit Documents on the dropdown
  3. Click Create New Document Template button
  4. Enter your Template Name try to use something which will remind you this document will be used for electronic signatures 
  5. Select the document for Lettings
  6. Select System Placement as Tenancies
  7. From the dropdown, select the automatic system document as Online Tenancy Agreement
  8. Then Save
  9. On the next screen
  10. Click Browse and
  11. locate where you have saved your contract
  12. Then Save

How to edit your tenancy agreement to add relevant merge codes and suggested formatting requirements for an esign tenancy agreement

  1. Go to Edit Documents screen
  2. Select the relevant tenancy agreement that you have added following the steps above
  3. Click the red word Edit
  1.  EDIT and ensure you are using the correct merge code within your document - %contactSignature% 

Sending your document template

  1. Select Tenancy from the main homebar
  2. Use the Find bar in the dropdown to search the relative tenancy
  3. Once on the Tenancy Summary
  4. Click PropertyFile on the top tabs
  5. Click on Create New to create a digitally signable document
  6. Select your eSign/Online Tenancy Agreement from the dropdown
  7. Click Prepare the template
  8. Here you will enter the recipient's email address and tick to confirm who will receive the contract and
  9. Click Save


Once prepared, the document can no longer be amended

  1. Once prepared
  2. Click Finalise so the document can be ready to send
  3. At this stage it will convert from a template to a .pdf document
  4. Click Review
  5. Click Save

When you are ready you can Send

  1. Check the content of the email and click Send Emails

This will email your customer and direct them to electronically sign their contract


You can click to Void the contract any time before the document has been signed

Managing documents awaiting electronic signature

  1. From the Jupix Home page
  2. Go to the Dashboard
  3. Here you can keep track of Documents awaiting online signature

Your customer will receive an email directing them to Review and Sign their copy of the document.  

Here they can read your document and confirm their agreement to enter into a legally binding contract with your agency.  

You will instantly receive an email to confirm the document has been signed.  

Your customer will also receive confirmation and a copy of their agreement as a PDF attachment.

Click on the arrow to the far left to expand and see more information about this transaction.  

Related articles: 

Legally Binding eSignatures

Activate eSigning for PropertyFile Plus

Creating your eSign agency agreement