Below are the release notes for releases to your Jupix software, including any new features, enhancements, or product fixes.
Release Notes 2024.09
Release date: Thursday 14th March 2024
This article includes:
- The following property fields are now sent in the portal feed to Zoopla:
- Tenure
- Lease years remaining
- Service Charge amount
- Ground rent amount
- Ground Rent Review Period (years)
- The following property fields have been added to the portal feed to Rightmove:
- Lease years remaining
- Service Charge amount
- Ground Rent amount
- Ground Rent Review Period (years)
- The following fields can now be sent in BLM feeds, and can be added if the portals concerned confirm they are supported:
- Lease Remaining
- Service Charge
- Ground Rent amount
- Ground Rent Review Period (years)
- Ground Rent Review Date
- The following fields will now be included in the XML feed (these can be seen using Version 3 of the XML feed):
- Service Charge amount
- Ground Rent amount
- Ground Rent Fixed For Term
- Ground Rent Review Period (years)
- Ground Rent Review Date
- New document merge tags have been added for the following fields:
- Service Charge amount - %serviceCharge%
- Ground Rent amount - %groundRent%
- Ground Rent Fixed For Term - %groundRentFixedForTerm%
- Ground Rent Review Period - %groundRentReviewPeriod%
Ground Rent Next Review Date - %groundRentReviewDate%
For more information on Document merge tags, click here.
Product fixes
Fixes have been made in the following areas:
- The Whoops error when exporting an empty suspense account has been resolved
- The Whoops error when removing the last applicant on the Book Viewing screen has been resolved
- A display issue on the Edit Residential Sales Profile screen on Share of Freehold properties has been resolved
Release Notes 2024.08
Release date: Sunday 3rd March 2024
This article includes:
- Council tax additions on Residential Sales/Lettings properties (National Trading Standards requirement)
- Two new options for Council Tax Band have been added; Exempt and New Build - TBC. If Exempt is selected, a new field has been added for Council Tax Exemption Reason
- Council Tax Band and Council Tax Exemption Reason can now be sent to portals and will be included in the property XML feed
- The existing Council Tax Band document tag includes Exempt or TBC if these have been selected for a property
- A new document merge tag has been added for Council Tax Exemption Reason - %councilTaxExemptionReason%
- Two new options for Council Tax Band have been added; Exempt and New Build - TBC. If Exempt is selected, a new field has been added for Council Tax Exemption Reason
- Ground rent additions on Residential Sales/Lettings properties (National Trading Standards requirement)
- A new Fixed For Term field has been added to indicate whether the ground rent is fixed for the term of the lease
- If the ground rent is not fixed for the term of the lease, two additional fields have been added; Review period and Next review date
- In order to accommodate the above council tax and ground rent changes, the positioning of some fields has changed on property screens
For more information on National Trading Standards - Keeping your property listings compliant, click here
For more information on Document merge tags, click here
- The image uploader in Jupix has been replaced by a new version. It enables the upload of 30 photos at a time, by uploading or dragging files into the grid, along with the options to reorder and rename images. The basic 10-image uploader is still available as an alternative
Related articles:
2024 Release Notes section of the Help Centre